Our Philosophy

Prisoner's Dilemma

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a hypothetical game setup showing a situation where people won’t want to work together even when it’s beneficial to do so. It’s just a long way of saying people don’t like to be taken advantage of. This is a key principle in Game Theory. We at Wierman Media Believe In Game Theory. We understand Business is an Infinite Game and in order to sustain we must work together.

Innovator’s Dilemma

Large Companies need to listen to their customer in order to continue successfully with their sustainable innovations. But they also need to look at niche markets to identify potentially disruptive innovations and avoid the innovators dilemma.

Founder’s Mentality

Most fast-growing companies aspire to global leadership in their industries. They often start as insurgents: fast, agile and adaptable. But to win in the long term they must scale, often losing what we call the Founder's Mentality.


Scale insurgents are 3.5x more likely to show much better profit. Scale Insurgents 71% chance to 21% Rigid Bureaucracy of sustaining profitable growth.


Scale insurgents are 7x more likely that they can adapt and handle industry change over rigid bureaucracy.

Scale Insurgents have a 77% change of surviving change over rigid bureaucracy at 11%.


Scale Insurgents are 3.5x more likely to retain a culture of meritocracy over rigid bureaucracy.

Scale insurgents 70% more likely to retain a culture of meritocracy over rigid bureaucracy at 19%

Noble Mission

Employees in scale insurgent companies are 6x more likely to support the companies mission opposed to rigid bureaucracy.

Scale insurgents employees are 93% more likely to support the companies mission then rigid bureaucracy at 16%

Talent Appeal & Retention

Scale insurgents are 6x more likely to excel in attaining and retaining talent over rigid bureaucracy.

Scale insurgents are 73% more likely to have success in talent appeal and retention opposed to rigid bureaucracy 13%.

Employee Loyalty Index

Scale insurgents are 11.5 x more likely to achieve employee loyalty opposed to rigid bureaucracy.

100% of Scale Insurgent companies employees would recommend that company to friends or family as opposed to rigid bureaucracy at -19%.